Farewell, my friends

Dear blogging friends…

I have very much enjoyed KathanInk for these last 18 months. But it’s time for me to move on.

I started KathanInk originally to give myself a platform for writing, to share my thoughts about life. Mainly, to give myself the public courage to say what I was sometimes too afraid to share with others. I have grown a great deal in this last couple years, and I want to thank you all for that.

If you blog, you know that blogging is a commitment. You have to keep up on with your own blog – as well as others. It’s just part of the social world of blogging. 

But it’s time for me to pursue other things. Starting with 2011, I have decided to redirect my writing pursuits toward my professional writing, and also toward someday becoming published. Both of these things have been taking more of my time, and I just don’t have the hours in the day to maintain my own blog and read others. I will try, however, to keep up with those of you whose blogs I have come to enjoy reading over the last year.

It’s been a joy to get to know you and to share myself with you.

Au revoir, mes amis!

Welcome, AndersenINK

Some of you may remember that I blogged this summer about my friend whose daughter passed away 39 hours after she was born. Well, she happens to be a gifted writer, and started a blog! So far she’s got some great things to say about grief and living.

Ccheck it out, and welcome AndersenINK to the world of blogging!

Ron Santo, my favorite Cub: dead at 70

How I remember Ron Santo - seeing him in the booth when I went to a game

Anyone who knows me, knows I am a huge Cub fan. Today Ron Santo, former Cub player and the best announcer ever, died this morning.

Ron Santo, forever a Cub.

Ron Santo dies at 70.

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